Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Monday's are usually pretty manic after surviving the weekend. We usually take it easy on Monday's to let our bodies rejuvenate. While we were keeping it on the down-low for the day, the girls worked on some Rainbow Loom bracelets.


It's an affordable craft that kids not only love, they can make really cool designs too! The craft teaches focus and can also help to learn how to follow directions - some of the designs are even too difficult for me! But, the girls taught me the basics and I have to admit, I even love my anklet I made. The rubber bands come in all different colors and you can make them for anything: favorite sports team, school colors, or whatever! It's also a great gift the kids can make for others.

To get their bodies moving we tried to play outside, while the weather cooperated. We walked around the garden and checked things out. We admired the growing sunflowers, we respected a bumble bee's space, and admired a white little butterfly. The storm was quickly approaching though and as soon as we heard thunder we headed in for safety!

Tuesday's @ the Library

Arden finished her reading requirements for the Summer Reading Program and earned her free ticket to a local baseball game. Since we started making regular trips, both Arden and Eryn have their own Library cards now. Today was the first day I took them and they were able to check-out whatever they wanted. The library is such a wonderful resource. Eryn must have checked out nearly 10 books and she renewed The Tales of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo that she has been enjoying.

Usually, the library opens a little later on Tuesday's, which is fine because it gives us more time in the morning to get everything together. Tuesday's also begins their half-hour time slots for grade level math games. Today, the website they worked on was ABCya.com where you can pick the grade level and what math games associated. While one is on the computer for their math time, the other is in the living room where there is a stationary bike and an elliptical glider so that they can also have a structured physical aspect and the importance of exercise within their daily lives.

Coming home from the library I had to stop and run an errand. Before we had left I reminded them that we would be going to a store, so if they wanted to get anything that they would have to bring their own money that they've earned to purchase what they wanted. They both picked out what they wanted, took their turn in-line at the store, and paid for their item. I love doing this with kids because they learn so much! After lunch the girls retreated for their half-hour reading time before they left. Among Eryn's many book that she picked out at the library were a few craft books ... so I'm sure we'll be checking those out and making some cool things.

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