It seems like there are more and more articles and information surfacing about the tragic slashes and cuts that our Government keeps delivering to our troops and Veterans. Do you see our Government cutting any of their benefits? Of course not. It's not acceptable that soldiers, who are fighting their wars, are treated so poorly. Why does it seem like the military, who are already sacrificing so much, continue to sacrifice what little they have left? It's time we take a firm stand and let our Government know that they can't treat people this way... while they are living lush lives, those they send off to fight their wars are suffering more than we know.
What incentive is there for any further generations to sign-up to join the military when the Government keeps abusing them? With the current battle over minimum wages rage on, McDonald employee's are demanding more pay. While most troops earn minimum wage? Someone in our Government is smoking some serious crack if they think this is o.k. I don't think a person working at a fast food establishment should be making more than the men and women who have to go overseas, leave their families, face unimaginable horrors... and I'm sure we can't even begin to fathom other things that the brave have to face.
It is so easy for us to live our busy lives, sleep in our comfortable beds at night and not think twice of those comforts. How have we come to have such security in our American ignorance? We are secure because of those men and woman who have protected us and continue to do so. Veterans have died serving our country so we have the right to practice our religion, for our equality, and to oppose forces who have extreme prejudices. Troops right now are carrying out their tours and missions in cultivating what America believes in - the right to perspective freedom. Yet our Government appointed officials continue to keep them buried beneath their well groomed shoes. How is this practicing integrity or honor... which lets face it, those two words haven't been associated within our Government for a long time.
Not to mention that nearly 4% of the American population is on welfare, compared to to 1% serving in the military. Again, the Government has an askew concept and are conditioning people to accept hand outs and to be fed like little guinea pigs. Those on welfare get debit cards with their monthly allotted amount that they can freely spend at any participating store. I understand that there are definitely some individuals that do need the help, but there is an entire culture that have been groomed and take advantage of the system too. The checks and balances are definitely not working...
Where has our respect and honor gone in our nation?
Scroll down and find your state.
Click on the link(s) and write to your Senator about the injustices that
are tired of and won't continue to tolerate.
CNN/The toll of war now includes more amputees Down
Statisticbrain/Welfare Statistics
The Telegraph/Wounded soldiers to lose 'vital' benefits
United States Senate/Senators of the 113th Congress Down
Statisticbrain/Welfare Statistics
The Telegraph/Wounded soldiers to lose 'vital' benefits
United States Senate/Senators of the 113th Congress
The Washington Times/During drawdown, Pentagon cuts cooked breakfast for some troops in Afghanistan
Example of my submission:
"Please help me to understand something. Why does our Government continue to demonstrate negative reinforcement with our society? I am highly irritated that Soldier's benefits continue to be taken away from them! How can you deny men and women that are fighting Government wars overseas a hot meal? It could be their last. This is highly offensive. I see people that continue to abuse welfare and live better than those serving in our Military. Prisoners even get three hot meals a day. Where has the integrity and honor in our country gone?
I am interested in what you have to say about this. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
A Offended Civilian"
Example of my submission:
"Please help me to understand something. Why does our Government continue to demonstrate negative reinforcement with our society? I am highly irritated that Soldier's benefits continue to be taken away from them! How can you deny men and women that are fighting Government wars overseas a hot meal? It could be their last. This is highly offensive. I see people that continue to abuse welfare and live better than those serving in our Military. Prisoners even get three hot meals a day. Where has the integrity and honor in our country gone?
I am interested in what you have to say about this. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
A Offended Civilian"
I want to hear your thoughts - leave a comment
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
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I first sent my e-mail to Senator Miklski (Maryland) the same day that this was originally published (5/23/14) and six days later on the 29th I received a reply e-mail. At first when I was reading through it I thought it sounded like lip services. So then, after more consideration I decided to look up her voting stats to make sure what she was saying was the truth. All I have to say now is that I am glad that there is a bull dog in there fighting for our men and women who are fighting to keep up safe. Below is the letter I received:
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Dear Ms...... :
Thank you for contacting me regarding veteran provisions contained in the Bipartisan Budget Act (Public Law 113-67). I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.
I absolutely agree with you. I believe we must keep the promises we have made to our veterans. We can do this by giving them the same quality of service they gave us, and by providing them with the care they deserve. That's why I fight hard every year for significant increases in funding for the Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) and its vital programs.
Following passage of the Bipartisan Budget Act, Congress passed and the President signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-76). As Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I fought hard to cancel the reduction to COLAs for working-age disabled veterans and survivors of departed members – and the spending bill did that. This provision is an important down payment toward restoring full COLAs for all military retirees.
On February 12th, Congress passed the Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act. This legislation restored full pension benefits for veterans and their families. We must honor the sacrifices our military men and women—and their families—have made at home and abroad. We can do this by making sure that they have a government on their side and that promises made are promises kept.
I have also fought to put money in the federal checkbook to improve the veteran's health care system so that wounded and disabled warriors get the care and benefits they need. I have worked to ensure veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) receive better diagnosis and treatment through the Defense Department and the VA. I have also championed the establishment of Centers of Excellence to better address PTSD and TBI to meet the needs of returning veterans.
Members of our armed forces and their families make tremendous sacrifices in the name of national security. That's why it is imperative that our nation, as you have stated, provides them with a quality of life which allows them to take pride in their service. I will continue to fight for funding and care for our nation's veterans because I believe that America has a duty to honor the commitment to service that members of the military have made, both past and present.
Thanks again for contacting me. You can count on me to continue to fight for quality veterans' services. Please let me know if I can be of help to you in the future.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
Please do not respond directly to this e-mail. The originating e-mail account is not monitored.
If you would like to get in touch with me again, please visit the comments page of my website here.
If you would like to get regular updates, please sign up for my E-Newsletter here.
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